Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fight the good fight

A thought from one of my heroes, Ronald Reagan, as the 327th enters the 8th month of being deployed. I think this is a fitting sentiment as I, and many of the warriors to whom I minister, grow weary being away from our loved ones. Thank you everyone for your continuous support, prayers and encouragement. May these words also give you a boost as you "fight the good fight" wherever you are!

In His Grip,
Chaplain Ray Ayers

“Fellow citizens, fellow conservatives, our time has come again. This is our moment. Let us unite, shoulder to shoulder, behind one mighty banner for freedom. And let us go forward from here not with some faint hope that our cause is not yet lost; let us go forward confident that the American people share our values, and that together we will be victorious. And in those moments when we grow tired, when our struggle seems hard, remember what Eric Liddell, Scotland’s Olympic champion runner, said in Chariots of Fire: ‘So where does the power come from to see the race to its end? From within. God made me for a purpose, and I will run for His pleasure.’ If we trust in Him, keep His word, and live our lives for His pleasure, He’ll give us the power we need—power to fight the good fight, to finish the race and to keep the faith... God bless you and God bless America.” —Ronald Reagan