Friday, March 7, 2008

Chaplain Ray

Hi Everyone!

I pray this message finds you all well. I'm writing you from Baghdad, Iraq. I've been waiting since we left Ft. Dix, N.J. on January 31st to get one, and today, we finally received our mailing address.
Here it is:
CH (CPT), Ayers
327 MP BN
Camp Ar-Ramadi
APO AE 09367

All is well here. I know some of you wanted to send some goodies to the soldiers in my battalion, and I thank you for your wonderful care for these fine men and women.
I know it has been a long time since I have been in contact with some of you receiving this email. As a matter of fact, I just realized that some of you don't even know that I'm deployed to Iraq. I apologize for not staying in touch. I'd love to hear from all of you, and the "snail" mail is a welcome treat. Email is nice, but letters and pictures to hold are something we all covet here.
Again, thank you for the care packages that some of you have told me you are assembling. When I receive them, you will be sure to receive an email/letter letting you know how fun it was passing it out on your behalf. You all are a blessing to me and this ministry to the 327th Military Police Batallion.
In His Grip,
CH (CPT) Ray Ayers
327th MP BN Chaplain


Unknown said...

It was great of Camille to pass along the information about your Blog. Who would have thought it?? Our Pastor-Chaplain with his own Blog! It'll be a great way to keep up with everyone you love and everyone who loves you and misses you! I won't even tell you how long it took me to get myself eligible to post a comment on here! Sue Regas

Rachel said...

Hey there! I'm glad to see you've entered blogland--it's a fantastic way to stay in touch with a whole group of people. I hope you'll have time to post updates on what you're experiencing.

Guess who's coming to my house in a few minutes? Hint--two beautiful young ladies at church with puppy-dog eyes and batting eyelashes approached their mothers with a surprising (not!) request to spend some time together. So my daughter is impatiently awaiting your daughter--and lo and behold, the car just drove up this second. Talk to you later!
Rachel Boyer

Rachel said...

Me again, but I have a guest at my computer who wants to talk with you for a minute. Here she is:

hi dad, it's your daughter. i hope you are having a great time in Iraq. i am having a very good school year. band is going very well. i miss you.


Kris and Dave said...

Hi Ray! So good to hear from you. Dave showed me your email and posted the pics and video to your blog. How awesome to see God working in Iraq! Thanks for all you are doing over there!
We had a great time with Cami and the kids. Hope they can come back some time soon! Maybe once school is done.
Blessings to you and all the troops!