Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank You!

Dear Friend! We received your package today and your timing was perfect. We are getting ready to prepare for going home (redeployment) and the chaplain assistant and I are cleaning up our care package area. Since we will be leaving soon (yippee!) we're asking all of our faithful donors to discontinue any further shipments. We wouldn't want to miss anything that was lovingly prepared for us :-)

On that note, you and your Bible class are so kind to be thinking of us and encouraging us with your thoughfulness. You have touched lives here for Christ and I can now better understand how He "feeds" us so He can truly "feed" us. The soldiers always ask: "Who are all these people that send you all this stuff Chaplain?" I of course, take the opportunity to say: "These Lutherans are good people aren't they! All they're doing is sharing the love they have from Jesus". Works great when you can hand them some candy at the same time!

You will never grasp the impact you have had on these soldiers and the ministry into which God has called me. I can't imagine now, coming over here and living through what we've been through, without the love and support of God's people. I will cherish your words of encouragement and the way your care for us has seen us through. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Thanks again, and God bless you richly, for you have been a tremendous blessing to us.

In His Grip,
CH (CPT) Ray Ayers
327th MP BN, Chaplain

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